Article Number:
Automation HAT for Raspberry PI
The Raspberry PI as the heart of an industrial control
With this HAT, the Raspberry PI can be extended to a control system that can be used in an industrial environment. It has:
Industrial 24 V Power Supply
Fueld bus: RS485 for Primary orSecondary UART
Real Time Clock: RTC-Modul DS3231
Data storage by controlled shutdown after power-off
Industrial application
All external connections are made via robust connector terminals.
Screwed connection to the RaspberryPi
Supply for external devices: 5V-Out (e.g. for 7'' touch), and RS485 are separated from each other with mating connectors.
Operational safety
24 V supply voltage with wide range input
Output 5 V to max. 3 A
Battery buffering after power-off
Detection whether supply voltage on/off
This feature allows a controlled shutdown of the Raspbian* as soon as the supply is switched off.
*Raspbian a Open-Source-operatin system of the RaspberryPi
Technical Data:
Housing (B x H x T): 70 x 55 x 25 mm
Supply: 24 V DC
Own power consumption: 30 mA
Voltage for data buffering: 9 VDC
LED green= 24 VDC Power active
LED blue= 5 VDC active